To provide a comprehensive review on impact of  crypto currencies in my country it is necessary to understand the general  advantages and disadvantages of crypto currencies provide for users compared to central bank –issued fait currencies, like the Euro or the US dollar, and to discuss how they emerge from the underlying technology.

For this purpose, the example of two crypto currencies is used in this paper the underlying technology of most crypto currencies is blockchain technology. A blockchain is a decentralized database that is distributed in the network on a variety of computers. It is characterized by the fact that its entries are summarized and stored in block.

The first crypto currency discussed in this paper as an example is Bitcoin which is technically, “an algorithm that records an ongoing chain of transactions between members of a decentralized peer-to-peer network and broadcasts these records to all members of the network” (Ammous, 2015, p 19). Bitcoin is the world’s biggest crypto currency with a market capitalization of more than $189 billion. It was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 when he has published his white paper “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System” (Nakamoto, 2008)

Secondly, ethereum is used as an example which is a blockchain-based, public open-source, computing platform and operating system for smart contracts. This platform supports a modified version of Nakamoto’s consensus mechanism and was proposed in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin (Buterin Vitalik, 2014; Rizzo et al., 2016). The underlying crypto currency is called “Ether”. It is the second biggest crypto currency in the market with a capitalization of over $18 billion.




This section presents the main advantages and disadvantages of crypto currencies compared to central bank –issued fiat currencies and discusses how they emerge from the underlying technology. Furthermore, a comparison with existing solutions is provided to show the practical relevance of crypto currencies.

The first advantage is that crypto currencies combine important properties to foster trust, such as accountability and transparency, which allows trust free interactions between counterparties. The underlying blockchain technology uses consensus mechanisms, which leads to the fact that the user does not have to trust the counterparty. However, the user must trust the network and the underlying blockchain. Thus, it is essential to secure the blockchain against fraud and attacks.

For central bank-issed currencies, trust is established by third  parties like intermediaries, and in almost every digital transaction in a fait currency, an agent is employed to verse the exchange. Transaction conducted by intermediaries do not only take time, but they also result in a risk premium for the user due to higher transaction costs (Pilkington, 2016).

Another benefit of the decentralization of crypto currencies is that governments cannot manage them. Hence, crypto currencies are not restricted to a specific geographic area and can be traded around the world. Therefore, Bitcoin can be used to provide low-cost money transfers, particularly for those seeking to transfer small amounts of money internationally, such as remittance payments (Scott, 2016). This money can often be transferred cheaper than with central bank-issued currencies, because using crypto currencies allows worldwide financial transfer without the need of an intermediary institution. In addition, the speed of money transfer is increased by eliminating intermediaries.

Nevertheless, these border independent payments also have some negative aspects, which need to be considered. One characteristic is that it makes it easy to transfer money from illegal activities or to finance terror activities without the possibility of government intervention (Jude A., 2019).

Moreover, the decentralization and “the lack of flexibility in the Bitcoin supply schedule results in high price volatility”


Financial service, many studies have proven that financial inclusion is essential for the development of a country. For example, Jude A.,(2018) observed in his study, that poverty is linked to access to financial services, and that limited access to financial services is a significant problem itself. Financial services can help because they provide people with the opportunity to protect themselves against situations of financial shortage (Jude A., 2019).

Another problem of the limited access of financial services for companies and individuals is that they cannot participate in worldwide trade. This is because a bank account, within international transaction identification, for example SWIFT identification, is required. Firms without bank accounts are excluded from wide range of international services and are hindered in selling products outside their region.

Another problem in developing countries is a low level of social trust, because social trust trends to improve economic growth and the standard of living. As social trust is highly correlated with equality, economic equality and equality of opportunities, social trust is inferior in my country (Nigeria), Jude A., (2020).

It will be helpful for Nigeria and other countries to increase high level of social trust. But many countries with low social trust are stuck in a so-called social trust trap. The logic of such a situation is that social trust will not increase as long as there is high social inequality. However, public policies that could remedy this situation cannot be defined because there is a lack of trust.

Another problem faced in my country is lack of access to educational training or high level of illiteracy in the northern part of the country which lead to low number crypto traders and financial freedom.

However, it must be noted that realizing this potential is often significantly harder that it seems due to various limitations. Examples of such limitations are illiteracy, unstable political situations, unstable job markets and price volatility, technicality involve in crypto trading, and also the high level of social fraud in the country.


The impact of crypto currencies on the improvement in Nigeria is noteworthy yet, because the technology is still at its infant stage, in addition there is currently only limited adoption of crypto currencies and the positive effects of crypto currencies will only occur if there is mass adoption,

For the exchange procedure, it is often necessary to have a traditional bank account. This requirement limits its impact because those without bank account cannot use the stored value in crypto currencies. Consequently, “crypto currencies face the same problems, which traditional banks are facing (Expert 2018). Crypto currency themselves can be used without a KYC process. However, the exchange of crypto currencies into the local fiat currency requires a KYC process, for which the applicant needs a government issued document of identification. People without identity papers are therefore excluded.


Finally, crypto currencies can have a considerable impact in the developing countries like Nigeria and others by increasing financial inclusion of individuals and companies. In particular, by reducing the transaction fees and time, cross-border payments can be improved. This is beneficial for remittance payments, peer-to-peer lending and international trade. The underlying technology also supports the fight against corruption by having a more transparent tracking system for the use of funds. The lack of back-up and centralization does not support a stable price level. A stable price level could be reached by stronger regulation and more political support for crypto currencies.

