Peace Advocacy Campaign for Nigerian Communities


Mile six Youth League for Peace and Development 1st Community Sensitization and Sanitization.

Mile six youth league for peace and development is an embodiment of peace & peaceful co-existence among youths as enshrined in our mission, vision, and core value, today been 19/02/2022 the group has harmonized, galvanized &romanticized youth within our society to come out in mass to sanitized& sensitized youths on the danger of drug abuse, thuggery, banditry, political & tribal nepotism, prostitution, & religious differences.

In the same vein, we are winning the battle & proffering solutions to the cancerous tumor that has eaten our teeming youths. 

crux or cardinal purpose of this noble association that is mile six youth league for peace and development is to create a healthy platform or incentive by engaging youths on the debate, symposia, awareness creation & humanitarian services within the frontal domain of our community.

the alacrities & burning desire of this noble association is to put all hands on deck to create peace awareness that will propel us in achieving our core mandate, this association is not formed to sabotage or create mayhem to the absolute peace we are enjoying but rather to also create a synergy between the mile six youth and the government of the day, taking a short trip via the exalted mantra of our governor which says "give me peace and I will give you development" which is one of our fundamental themes. 

The essence of this program is not to take a side with either of the sides of the coin (opposition or the ruling party) but to change the stone head mentality of many Nigerians; while addressing fundamental issues on the way forward. Quintessential is the economic holocaust or austerity or as it is proverbially ascribed by the demotic or quotidian Nigerian; ECONOMIC RECESSION. This program is not against making analysis of these hapless events that has engulfed our dear country, nor it is designed to antagonize the analyst, often at times what are been aired and televised on radio and TV station as well as the social media platform which we call analysis, but end up paralyzing the average Nigerian due to the cumbersome fear and tension mount by that so-called analyst. Perhaps somebody is somewhere saying: can you proffer a remedy without discussing first the problem? the answer is NO. But I want to explicitly tell you that any analysis devoid of a panacea is paralysis. Medically speaking it is said accurate diagnosis is half the cure, now let look at it holistically, if the physician after conducting a series of tests, perhaps on daily basis without administering proper treatment to the patient, won’t the patient die? The replica is the case study in Nigeria, in the sense that we give much attention to discussing the plight and lesser attention in proffering the solution. Once again this program is not against analysis nor analyst but against ILLOGICAL ANALYSIS (Analysis that lack solution) permit me to say that, the epidemic that has now eaten many hearts in this country which has culminated so many living souls not to be far from their graves (Paralyzed) is due to the ceaseless wrong analysis carried out by our so-called analyst just to suit their whims and caprices. If only we can put into internment our differences and go with a synergized vision that says a better and a united Nigeria first irrespective of religious, tribal, and party affiliation with both the rich and the poor as one crew on the same plane fully involved, then we can fly home with our better picture as the giants of Africa. But we must first ask ourselves a simple question that says: WHAT AM I DOING AS A YOUTH?

We draw a curtain by saying without peace and reconciliation there is no future.

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